1、选择Create New Project新建工程
Project name:hello
一路默认,只有Board项需要选择ZedBoard Zynq Evaluation and Development Kit
1.Click Add Sources in the Project Manager.
The Add Sources wizard opens.
2.Select the Add or Create Embedded Sources option and click Next.
3.In the Add or Create Embedded Source window, click Create Sub-Design.
4.Type a name for the module and click OK. For this example, use the name system.
The module you created displays in the sources list.
5.Click Finish.
1、The dialog box opens, and asks if you want to create a Base System using the BSB Wizard. Select Yes.
The first window of the BSB asks you to elect whether to create an AXI-based or PLB-based system.
2.Select AXI System and click OK.
3.In the Base System Builder wizard, create a project using the settings described in the table. Where a setting or command has not been specified, accept the default values.
3 、Remove all peripherals from the list by selecting each one and clicking Remove.
4、Click Finish
5.Close the XPS window. The active PlanAhead tool session updates itself with the project settings.
1.Under Design Sources in the Sources pane, select and right-click system (system.xmp) and select Create Top HDL.
PlanAhead generates the system_stub.v top-level module for the design.
2.In the PlanAhead tool, Select File > Export > Export Hardware for SDK.
The Export Hardware dialog box opens. By default, the Export Hardware check box is checked.
3.Check the Launch SDK check box.
4.Click OK; SDK opens.
1、In SDK, select File > New > Application Project.
2.Right-click Hello_world and select Run as > Run Configurations.
3.Right-click Xilinx C/C++ ELF and click New.
4.The new run configuration is created named Hello_world Debug.
5、Click Run.
此时整个工程已经完成,可以看到串口助手中有Hello World字样
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