根据Windows CE.NET嵌入式系统的特点以及GPRS无线通信的工作原理,设计了一 个在Windows CE.NET嵌入式平台下连入GPRS无线网络传输数据的解决方案;完成了各硬件模块之间的连接并通过向串行口发送AT命令控制GPRS功能模块;实现了在嵌入式平台下拨打和收听电话、发送和接收短消息以及上网功能。 关键词: 嵌入式系统;Windows CE.NET;GPRS 网络;无线通信;串口编程 Abstract: Based on the features of Windows CE.NET embedded system and the principle of GPRS wireless communication, a design of embedded system running the Windows CE.NET embedded system and accessing GPRS network for data transfer is discussed. The GPRS moduleis connected to the development board and controlled by AT instructions via serial communication.The functions of dialing and getting a phone call, sending and receiving short message service aswell as going online are implemented. Keywords: Embedded System; Windows CE.NET; GPRS; wireless communication; serial programming