The TDA18291HN is a BiCMOS integrated circuit receiver intended for digital TV reception for low power applications (e.g. mobile phone and PDA). The tuner is designed for the terrestrial digital video broadcast (DVB-T standard) and handheld DVB standard (DVB-H standard). It operates in the VHFIII and UHF band (174 MHz to 230 MHz and 470 MHz to 862 MHz) and contains all the functions needed for a whole receiver chain from (RF) input to baseband IQ outputs: LNA, quadrature mixer, channel filters and a complete RF PLL with a fully integrated VCO. The PLL can operate from a number of reference frequencies, fitting almost any mobile platform. The tuner has been designed for low power mobile applications. Power consumption has been optimized and a dedicated on-off pin has been added to allow for fast switching, and thus reduce power, in time-sliced applications. To reduce the footprint of the application, the number of external components has been minimized and the tuner is available in a HVQFN32 package (5 mm ´ 5 mm).