The MPY600 is a wide-bandwidth four-quadrant signal multiplier. Its output voltage is equal to the algebraic product of the X and Y input voltages. For signals up to 30MHz, the on-board output op amp provides the complete multiplication function with a low-impedance voltage output. Differential current outputs extend multiplier bandwidth to 75MHz. The MPY600 offers improved performance compared to common semiconductor modulator or multiplier circuits. It can be used for both two-quadrant (voltagecontrolled amplifier) and four-quadrant (doublebalanced) applications. While previous devices required cumbersome circuitry for trimming, balance and level-shifting, the MPY600 requires no external components. A single external resistor can be used to program the conversion gain for optimum spuriousfree dynamic range. When used as a modulator, carrier feedthrough measures –60dB at 5MHz. Differential X, Y and Z inputs can be connected in a variety of useful configurations, including squarer, divider, and square-rooter circuits. The MPY600 is available in 16-pin plastic DIP, specified for the industrial temperature range.