The LM95241 is a precision dual remote diode temperature sensor (RDTS) that uses National’s TruTherm technology. The 2-wire serial interface of the LM95241 is compatible with SMBus 2.0. The LM95241 can sense three temperature zones, it can measure the temperature of its own die as well as two diode connected transistors. The LM95241 includes digital filtering and an advanced input stage that includes analog filtering and TruTherm technology that reduces processor-to-processor non-ideality spread. The diode connected transistors can be a “thermal diode” as found in Intel and AMD processors or can simply be a diode connected MMBT3904 transistor. TruTherm technology allows accurate measurement of “thermal diodes” found on small geometry processes such as 90nm and 65nm. The LM95241 supports user selectable thermal diode non-ideality of either Intel processor on 90nm or 65nm process or 2N3904.