本文介绍了基于Windows CE.Net 4.2 嵌入式操作系统,运用eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 软件开发一款功能较为齐全的嵌入式多媒体视频/音频播放器的完整流程。相对于一般的嵌入式播放器,本文设计的播放器可以播放目前比较流行的各种媒体文件格式。播放界面友好方便,可在手持式或嵌入式终端设备中实际应用。 关键字:嵌入式操作系统;eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0;集成开发环境;多媒体控件 Abstract:This paper introduces the whole process of developing a perfect embedded multimedia-player, which is based on Windows CE.NET 4.2 operating system. Compared with ordinary embedded multimedia-player, this player can play various popular multimedia formats. The operation interface is friendly and convenient. It can be applied in any embedded equipments. Key words : Embedded Operating System; eMbedded Visual C++4.0; IDE; ActiveMovieControl Object