作为一种全新的信息获取和处理技术,无线传感器网络(WSNs)集成了传感器技术、 网络技术、及MEMS 技术,可广泛应用于军事、交通、环境监测等各种领域。而高速公路交通监控系统的研究与应用可促进我国高速公路的信息化、网络化和智能化建设。本文结合WSNs 技术与传统信息获取技术,将WSNs 作为监测子系统的重要基础部分,目的是构建一个新型的高速公路交通监控系统,以提高高速公路的运行效率、避免严重汽车追尾事故的发生。并对系统的主要组成、实现功能及工作机制进行了说明。 关键词:无线传感器网络,信息获取和处理,传感器,交通监控系统 Abstract:Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) is a novel technology of information acquisition and processing,which integrates the technologies of sensor, network, and MEMS. And it can be widely deployed for measurement, detection and monitoring applications. In this paper, combined with traditional information acquisition and processing technologies, a new highway traffic monitoring system based on WSNs is presented. And the configuration, functions and mechanism of the new monitoring system are described. Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Information acquisition, sensor, Traffic Monitoring System