摘要:文章介绍了一种用于拉丝机恒张力控制的PH)控制器的控制原理,以定点数字信号处理器MWS32OF42。为核心的数字控制系统的硬件构成及各个硬件单元的工作原理,并对所采用的控制算法和软件流程进行了详细说明。最后,文章给出了一种简易PID控制参数的整定法。实验结果表明,经该方法整定出的参数使该控制器获得了良好的控制效果。 关键词 PID控制DSP 拉丝机扩充临界比例度法 Abstract Thec ontrollingp rincipleo fP IDc ontroleru sedi nc onstantte nsionc ontrolof 。drawingm achineis p resented.Th eh ardwareo fth ed igital controller system based on a fixed-point digital signal processor TMS32OF240 as the,as wel as the operational principle of each hardware units,described. addition,a lt hec ontrolal gorithmsa nds oftwarefl owcharts,expoundedin d etail.Th es impletu ningm ethodo fP IDc ontrolpa rametersis given finaly.The experimental result slows that excelent control efect is obtained with the tuning parameters contributed this method.