作为移动计算、移动商务和信息家电的核心技术,嵌入式数据库已成为当前相关领 域的发展焦点。微处理器ARM、操作系统uCLinux 和嵌入式数据库SQLite 三者的结合,为各自带来了新的发展空间。针对SQLite 应用于信息家电远程监控系统所产生的技术问题,提出了较为详实的解决方案。 关键词:嵌入式数据库;ARM;uCLinux;SQLite;远程监控 Abstract:As the core technique of mobile-computing, mobile-commerce and information -appliance, embedded database has become the hot spot of study. The combination of ARM, uCLinux and SQLite, take a new stage for their respective development. Aiming at the technology issue occurred during applying SQLite in the supervision system, the thesis illustrates a detailed and solid solution. Keywords:embedded database;ARM;uCLinux;SQLite;Remote supervision system