随着硬件发展趋于极限,建立并行数据库管理系统已成为提高数据库性能的必然选择。本文在介绍了并行数据库系统相关的概念之后, 讨论了并行数据库的物理组织结构,并介绍了一个并行数据库系统原型的实现。 关键词: 并行数据库系统;数据划分;MPI Abstract: As the hardware technology approaching its physical limitation, building a parallel DBMS becomes the only way to improve the performance of database at present. In addition to introducing the conceptions relevant to the parallel database system, topics are discussed in physical structure of parallel database system. The implementation of a prototype of parallel database system is given as well. Key words: Parallel Database System; Data Partition; MPI