本文介绍了一种基于嵌入式操作系统VxWorks 和GPRS 网络通信技术实现远程数据传输,从而实现远程实时监控功能的系统。开始讨论了系统的硬件结构,接着介绍了登陆 GPRS 网络的方法,最后介绍了使用客户-服务器模式进行Socket 通讯的方法。 关键词 GPRS 嵌入式操作系统 VxWorks 嵌套字协议 Abstract This paper presents a remote monitoring system, which accomplishes remote data transfer by the technique of GPRS and embedded system VxWorks. At the beginning, it discusses hardware structure of the system. Then it introduces the method to log in the GPRS network. At last it introduces the technique of Socket communication in client-server mode. Key word: GPRS embedded-system VxWorks socket protocol