目前激光打标技术以它出众的打标效果及打标速度,已经在很多领域取代传统的打标方 式。它主要由激光器、光学系统和控制器组成,其中控制器是核心部件。控制器经历了硬件数控(NC)和计算机数控(CNC)两个发展阶段。本文主要针对激光打标系统的控制系统模块,在硬件与软件设计两方面都进行了仔细翔实的分析与研究。此外,还讨论了系统的硬件、软件及抗干扰措施的设计;最后得出结论以及今后的改进方向。 关键词: 激光打标,控制系统,激光器,插补算法 Abstract: At present, laser marker technique has taken the place of the traditional marker technique in many fields because of its perfect effect and high speed. The laser marker system is made up of laser, optical system and controller, which is the core of the components. In its history, controller has experienced two seedtimes of NC and CNC. The hardware and software design of controller system module have been analyzed. Furthermore the antijamming measure of the system has been carefully studied. A conclusion and the improving direction have given out at the last. Keywords: laser marker system, laser, optical system, control.