本次系统实现了基于AMBE2000 的低速率语音通信,该芯片采用改进的多带激(MBE) 算法,能实现可变速率低比特率、高语音音质的语音压缩编码。本文通过实例,给出了以AMBE2000 为核心,语音压缩传输以及解压输出的威廉希尔官方网站
实现。本实验获得了低速率下良好的语音质量,为越来越重要的低速率高质量语音通信提供了有利参考,具有很高实用价值。 关键词: 低速率;AMBE2000;PCM3500;语音编码解码 Abstract:This system realized a voice communication system based on the AMBE2000, this chip uses the MBE algorithm to obtain low changeable communication rate, and high speech quality. The design shows the circuit of the system in detail, and results of superior voice quality at low data rates. As the low rate high quality is more and more important in the voice communication system, this experiment is very valuable. Keywords:Low rate; AMBE2000; PCM3500; speech encoding and decoding;