本文根据工作流参考模型规范,提出了基于角色的调度管理中心的设计思想。经过分析 中国铁通公司业务流程的实际模型,将该思想应用到铁通调度指挥系统中,实现了中国铁通公司网运调度自动化。 关键词:工作流 角色 柔性 ECA 规则 Abstract: According to the norms of the workflow reference model, the idea to design dispatching management center based on role is given out. After analyzing the operation flow models of China Railway Communication Co. (CRC), the idea is applied to CRC’s dispatching and control system and brings about automation to dispatching system of CRC’s network operation department. Key words: workflow; role; flexibility; ECA rule