介绍了二线制数字补偿扩散硅差压变送器的补偿原理和低功耗设计的方法。用单片机采 样差传感器的压力输出和温度,通过查找初始化数据,计算出准确的压值。该仪表调试简单,使用方便,性能良好。 关键词:差压变送器;数字补偿;低功耗设计 Abstract :This paper present s the compensation principle and the low power consumption designing method of a two2wire diffusion silicon differential pressure t ransmitter. A single2chip microcont roller is used to calculate the actual differential pressure value , with high accuracy , by sampling pressure out2 put and temperature of the differential pressure sensor and searching the initialized data. The t ransmit2 ter is easy to operate , having excellent performances. Key Words :Differential pressure t ransmitter , Digital compensation ,Low power consumption design