针对压力传感器在实际应用中受多个非目标参量的影响而导致其输出数据不仅仅与目标参量有关,提出了应用神经网络技术对多传感器数据进行融合以消除非目标参量对传感器输出的影响;研究结果表明,利用神经网络实现多传感器数据融合消除非目标参量对传感器输出的影响是可行的。 关键词: 压力传感器; 神经网络; 数据融合 Abstract : Because pressure sensor is affected by non2objection parameter in the applications ,the output of pres2 sure sensor not only depends on objection parameter. The method of eliminating affection which caused by non2 object parameter based on neural network data fusion isput forward. The results show the method eliminating af2 fection based on neural network data fusion is feasible. Key words : pressure sensor ; neutral network ; data fusion