以组态王6.5 为开发平台,PC 机为上位机,牛顿7000 系列智能模块作下位机,对橡 胶坝监测系统的软硬件进行了设计开发,同时很好解决了开发过程中的一些关键问题,系统投入使用后运行良好,在水利工程数据监测中具有广阔的应用前景。 关键词:橡胶坝,组态王,监测系统,变量 Abstract:With the Kingview as the development platform,the personal computer as the top-device,the intelligent module of Nudam 7000 as the down-device,this paper focuses its efforts on the design and development of the hardware and software applied in the rubber-dam monitoring system. In addition, the paper provides solutions to some key issues in the process of development..The system fuctions well in practice and bears a promising future in the database-monitoring of river construction. Key words:rubber-dam;Kingview;monitoring system;variable