旅游监管系统是地方旅游主管机构为增强其管理职能搭建的监管平台,系统采用了基 于ASP.NET 技术的多层体系架构,通过模块管理将系统子模块一步步挂接实现旅游监管系统的功能。论文重点对权限管理和数据访问模式进行了深入的讨论。该系统经过宝鸡市旅游局的测试应用,取得了理想效果。 关键词:ASP.NET;多层架构;模块管理;旅游监管 Abstract:The Tourism Supervision and Management System (TSMS for short) is the platform for local tourism authorities to improve work efficiency. The paper adopts multiplayer application software system based on ASP.NET, system modules can be compatible with TSMS by modulemanagement. At the same time, authority management and data access pattern of the system were discussed deeply here. TSMS is used as alpha stage products in Baoji Travel Bureau. Keywords:ASP.NET; Multiplayer Structure; Module Management; TSMS