美国时间9月4日,据路透社等媒体报道,美国政府有关部门正在考虑将中国大陆最大的芯片制造商中芯国际(SMIC)列入贸易黑名单。 对此,我公司严正声明,中芯国际作为一家同时在香港证券交易所及中国大陆A股上市的国际化运营的集成威廉希尔官方网站
制造企业,公司严格遵守相关国家和地区的法律法规,并在此基础上一直合法依规经营;且与多个美国及国际知名的半导体设备供货商,建立多年良好的合作关系,美国商务部多年来针对中芯国际进口采购的设备,也已经核发多件重要的出口许可。同时,中芯国际自成立以来作为全球半导体供应链上的重要成员,客户遍及美国、欧洲及中国大陆等世界各地,其产品及服务皆用于民用和商用,从没有任何涉及军事应用的经营行为,与中国军方毫无关系;2016年及以前,中芯国际还是经美国商务部正式认可的「最终民用厂商」 (Validated End-User) ,并曾有多位美国商务部官员实地到中芯国际进行访查。因此,任何关于“中芯国际涉军”的报道均为不实新闻,我们对此感到震惊和不解。中芯国际愿以诚恳、开放、透明的态度,与美国各相关政府部门沟通交流,以化解可能的歧见和误解。
中芯国际集成威廉希尔官方网站 制造有限公司
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation Responses to Media on the U.S. Government’s Consideration to Add the Company to a Trade Blacklist
Reuters reported Friday, September 4 (EST), citing a Defense Department official that the Trump administration is considering whether to add China’s top chipmaker SMIC to a trade blacklist.
SMIC solemnly declares that the Company, a public company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market), is an international semiconductor foundry strictly complying with the laws and regulations of all jurisdictions where it performs its businesses. Since its inception, the Company has been fully compliant with all rules and laws. SMIC has maintained long-term strategic partnerships with multiple U.S.-based semiconductor equipment suppliers. Over the years, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has granted numerous export licenses for the Company. With a large and diverse customer base, serving companies in the U.S., Europe, and other Asian regions, SMIC plays an important role in the global semiconductor supply chain. The Company manufactures semiconductors and provides services solely for civilian and commercial end-users and end-uses. We have no relationship with the Chinese military. In and before 2016, SMIC had been granted Validated End-User (VEU) authorization by the BIS and the company hosted several visits from U.S. Government officials. Any assumptions of the Company’s ties with the Chinese military are untrue statements and false accusations. The Company is in complete shock and perplexity to the news. Nevertheless, SMIC is open to sincere and transparent communication with the U.S. Government agencies in hope of resolving potential misunderstandings.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation
中芯国际集成威廉希尔官方网站 制造有限公司(“中芯国际”,上交所科创板证券代码:688981,港交所股份代号:00981,美国场外市场交易代码:SMICY)及其控股子公司是世界领先的集成威廉希尔官方网站 晶圆代工企业之一,也是中国内地技术最先进、配套最完善、规模最大、跨国经营的集成威廉希尔官方网站 制造企业集团,提供0.35微米到14纳米不同技术节点的晶圆代工与技术服务。中芯国际总部位于上海,拥有全球化的制造和服务基地。在上海建有一座300mm晶圆厂和一座200mm晶圆厂,以及一座控股的300mm先进制程晶圆厂;在北京建有一座300mm晶圆厂和一座控股的300mm先进制程晶圆厂;在天津和深圳各建有一座200mm晶圆厂;在江阴有一座控股的300mm凸块加工合资厂。中芯国际还在美国、欧洲、日本和中国台湾设立营销办事处、提供客户服务,同时在中国香港设立了代表处。详细资讯请参考中芯国际网站www.smics.com。
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