基于MEMS 的微型手术器是一种可用于微创手术的新型医疗器械。这种手术器实际上是一种微型智能机器人,其中的传感器采用MEMS 技术制造,具有微型、机电一体化集成、智能等特点。介绍了国际上具有代表性的微型手术器及其所采用的新传感技术,并探讨了这些传感器的发展和应用前景。 关键词: 微创手术; 微型手术器; 传感器 Abstract : MEMS2based micro surgical tool is a kind of new medical instrument used in the minimally2invasive surgery. It is a micro2inteligent robot with attached sensors manufactured by using MEMS technology and having some features such as very small size , electro - mechanical integrations. The advanced micro surgical tool in the world and attached sensors with high2technology are presented. Finally ,the development and application of the sensors are discussed. Key words : minimally2invasive surgery ; micro surgical tool ; sensor