在硫化罐的控制中采用硫化罐计算机群控系统,本系统采用DCS 系统结构连接PLC 和 上位机,维护和维修方便,图形操作界面简单直观,实际使用表明,该控制系统可提高成品轮胎的质量,硫化操作的自动化程度和硫化过程中的工艺参数控制精度,可实现不间断生产。 关键词:硫化罐;群控;内胎硫化 Abstract: This paper proposes a scheme, in which DCS system attached to PLC and upper computer is employed to make the maintenance more convenience. This scheme was applied to tyre vulcanization, which shows it improves the quality of tyre and the precision of vulcanization, and makes the production continual. Keywords: Vulcanization Tank; Multiprocessing Control; inner tyre vulcanizing