The AD9244 is a monolithic, single 5 V supply, 14-bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS ADC with an on-chip, high performance sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) and voltage reference. The AD9244 uses a multistage differential pipelined architec-ture with output error correction logic to provide 14-bit accuracy at 40 MSPS/65 MSPS data rates, and guarantees no missing codes over the full operating temperature range. The AD9244 has an on-board, programmable voltage reference. An external reference can also be used to suit the dc accuracy and temperature drift requirements of the application. A differential or single-ended clock input controls all internal conversion cycles. The digital output data can be presented in straight binary or in twos complement format. An out-of-range (OTR) signal indicates an overflow condition that can be used with the most significant bit to determine low or high overflow.