The MC34726 is a high efficiency, low quiescent current (IQ), synchronous buck regulator, implementing Freescale’s innovative Z-mode architecture. Freescale’s Z-mode architecture greatly improves the ripple performance during light load currents, but still maintains a low quiescent current of 65uA, at no load in “Sleepy” Z-mode. The 34726 accepts an input voltage in the range of 2.7 to 5.5V, making it ideally suited for single cell Li-Ion based applications. Factory preset output voltages, ranging from 0.8V to 3.3V, reduce the number of required auxiliary components. The part is able to provide 300mA of continuous load current across the input and the output voltage ranges. The 34726 switches at 2.0MHz to allow the use of small, surface mount inductors and capacitors to save precious board space. The 34726 is available in the small, space saving, and low cost, 2x2 UDFN-8 packages. The part is guaranteed for operation over the -25°C to 85°C temperature range.