本参考设计展示了伍尔特电子开发的一款紧凑型辅助电源设计,提供范围在+15 V到+20 V之间可调的单极电压,同时支持高达6 W的最大输出功率,输入电压则可覆盖9V到18 V。
This reference design presents an extremely compact auxiliary power supply by Würth Elektronik providing a unipolar voltage adjustable between +15 V and +20 V. It sources a maximum output power of up to 6 W while covering an input voltage range from 9 to 18 V.
该设计针对高压SiC MOSFET和IGBT设备及功率模块进行了优化,无需栅极驱动负电压,并且可以轻松集成到栅极驱动系统中。
The design is optimized for driving high-voltage SiC MOSFET and IGBT devices and power modules without a negative gate drive voltage requirement, and can be easily integrated into the gate driver system.
WE-AGDT系列750318114变压器拥有极低绕组间电容(最低达 6.8 pF),有助于实现高CMTI(共模瞬态抗扰度)等级,从而实现快速的开关转换,在电动汽车、可再生能源或工业自动化等主流应用中提高效率和功率密度。
The extremely low interwinding capacitance of the WE-AGDT 750318114 transformer down to 6.8 pF helps to achieve high CMTI rating (Common-Mode Transient Immunity). This enables fast switching speeds which can yield efficiency and power density gains, as increasingly required in trending applications in e-mobility, renewable energy or industrial automation.
本文档还提供了+15 V、+18 V和+20 V输出电压的实验结果。
In this document, experimental results for output voltages of +15 V, +18 V and +20 V are provided.
设计优势/Key features
紧凑尺寸(威廉希尔官方网站 板A: 27 mm x 14 mm x 14 mm)(威廉希尔官方网站 板B: 40 mm x 14 mm x 13mm)
Small size (Var.A: 27 mm x 14 mm x 14 mm) (Var.B: 40 mm x 14 mm x 13 mm)
Input voltage range: 9 to 18 V
可调节输出电压 Adjustable output voltage
已验证三种输出电压结果:RD002-1: +15V/0V、RD002-2: +18V/0V 与RD002-3: +20V/0V
Validated results for three common output voltages: RD002-1: +15V/0V, RD002-2: +18V/0V and RD002-3: +20V/0V
4 kV初级-次级隔离
4 kV primary-secondary isolation
WE-AGDT变压器寄生电容仅6.8 pF,支持高CMTI需求
WE-AGDT transformer with only 6.8 pF typ. parasitic capacitance enabling high CMTI
基于LT8302 (ADI Power by Linear) 的PSR反激拓扑
PSR Flyback topology with LT8302 (ADI Power by Linear)
Two BoM variants: Standard and AEC-Q component qualification
Two PCB Layout Variants (2-layer and 4-layer)
典型应用/Typical applications
E-mobility: electric powertrain
On-board and off-board battery chargers
Industrial drives: AC motor inverter
Renewable energy: solar inverters
Power factor correction (PFC) stages
采用SiC MOSFET的开关电源
Switch-mode power supplies with SiC MOSFETs
应用笔记/Application notes
CN: 《RD002-6W单极隔离辅助电源用于SiC MOSFET与 IGBT栅极驱动器》
EN: RD002-6W Unipolar isolated auxiliary supply for SiC-MOSFET & IGBT gate driver
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