嗨,我可以使用此命令调用之前在N5242A上保存的路径配置,这是我的步骤:1。菜单跟踪/通道 - >通道 - >硬件设置 - >路径配置...打开路径配置对话框
2.预设PNA-X以将路径配置恢复为默认值3.使用Agilent Connection Expert设置仪器连接,向N5242A发送命令:SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL“ONT_PATH”4。立即检查路径配置,
您是否使用C#或C ++等编程语言来控制仪器?
Hi, I am able to use this command to recall the path configuration saved before on N5242A, here are my steps:
1. Menu Trace/Channel->Channel->Hardware Setup->Path Config... to open the Path configuration dialog, make some changes on the path configuration (such as changing the Port 1 bypass switch to Combiner Path if your N5242A has internal combiner), then click "Store..." button to save the path configuration with name "ONT_PATH", click OK
2. Preset the PNA-X to restore the path configuration to default
3. Set up a instrument connection with Agilent Connection Expert, send command to the N5242A: SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL "ONT_PATH"
4. Check the path configuration now, the "ONT_PATH" should be selected
There are several things to check:
a. Maybe your firmware revision doesn't support this command, you can try to upgrade your firmware to the latest A.09.90.13 and have a try
b. Make sure you have stored the path configuration successfully, you can use command SENSe:PATH:CONFig:CATalog?
to verify if there is a config with name "ONT_PATH"
c. Are you using any programming language such as C# or C++ to control the instrument? to avoid any problem with the ", you can try SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL 'ONT_PATH'
By the way, you can download the chm format PNA help file from http://na.support.keysight.com/pna/help/ and look for the commands under Programming part
嗨,我可以使用此命令调用之前在N5242A上保存的路径配置,这是我的步骤:1。菜单跟踪/通道 - >通道 - >硬件设置 - >路径配置...打开路径配置对话框
2.预设PNA-X以将路径配置恢复为默认值3.使用Agilent Connection Expert设置仪器连接,向N5242A发送命令:SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL“ONT_PATH”4。立即检查路径配置,
您是否使用C#或C ++等编程语言来控制仪器?
Hi, I am able to use this command to recall the path configuration saved before on N5242A, here are my steps:
1. Menu Trace/Channel->Channel->Hardware Setup->Path Config... to open the Path configuration dialog, make some changes on the path configuration (such as changing the Port 1 bypass switch to Combiner Path if your N5242A has internal combiner), then click "Store..." button to save the path configuration with name "ONT_PATH", click OK
2. Preset the PNA-X to restore the path configuration to default
3. Set up a instrument connection with Agilent Connection Expert, send command to the N5242A: SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL "ONT_PATH"
4. Check the path configuration now, the "ONT_PATH" should be selected
There are several things to check:
a. Maybe your firmware revision doesn't support this command, you can try to upgrade your firmware to the latest A.09.90.13 and have a try
b. Make sure you have stored the path configuration successfully, you can use command SENSe:PATH:CONFig:CATalog?
to verify if there is a config with name "ONT_PATH"
c. Are you using any programming language such as C# or C++ to control the instrument? to avoid any problem with the ", you can try SENS:PATH:CONF:SEL 'ONT_PATH'
By the way, you can download the chm format PNA help file from http://na.support.keysight.com/pna/help/ and look for the commands under Programming part