# include "stdio.h"
# include "string.h"
// Bit Defini
#define BIT0 0x01
#define BIT1 0x02
#define BIT2 0x04
#define BIT3 0x08
#define BIT4 0x10
#define BIT5 0x20
#define BIT6 0x40
#define BIT7 0x80
#define BIT8 0x100
#define BIT9 0x200
#define BIT10 0x400
#define BIT11 0x800
#define BIT12 0x1000
#define BIT13 0x2000
#define BIT14 0x4000
#define BIT15 0x8000
volatile unsigned char bSendResultToUART = 0; // Flag used to indicate ADC3 resutl ready to send to UART
unsigned char szTemp[16] = ""; // Used to store ADC3 result before printing to UART
unsigned char ucTxBufferEmpty = 0; // Used to indicate that the UART Tx buffer is empty
volatile unsigned long ulADC0Result = 0; // Variable that ADC0DAT is read into in ADC0 IRQ
void ADC0Init(void);
void UARTInit(void);
void Delay(int a);
函数名 : int main(void)
描述 : 主函数
输入 : void
输出 : void
返回 :
int main(void)
unsigned char i = 0;
unsigned char nLen = 0;
POWKEY1 = 0x1;
POWCON0 = 0x78; // Set core to max CPU speed of 10.24Mhz
POWKEY2 = 0xF4;
IRQEN = BIT10 + BIT11; // Enable ADC and UART interrupts
bSendResultToUART = 0;
while (1)
{ }
函数名 : void IRQ_Handler(void) __irq
描述 : IRQ中断服务程序
输入 : void
输出 : void
返回 : void
void IRQ_Handler(void) __irq
unsigned long IRQSTATUS = 0;
unsigned char ucCOMIID0 = 0;
IRQSTATUS = IRQSTA; // Read off IRQSTA register
if ((IRQSTATUS BIT11) == BIT11) //UART interrupt source
if ((ucCOMIID0 0x2) == 0x2) // Transmit buffer empty
ucTxBufferEmpty = 1;
if ((IRQSTATUS BIT10) == BIT10) //If ADC0 interrupt source
ulADC0Result = ADC0DAT; // Read ADC0 conversion result
bSendResultToUART = 1;
函数名 : ADC0Init()
描述 : 初始化ADuC7061的主ADC
输入 : void
输出 : void
返回 : void
void ADC0Init(void)
// Configure ADC0 for continuous conversions, 4hz, AIN3 in Single-ended mode
ADCMSKI = BIT0; // Enable ADC0 result ready interrupt source
ADCFLT = 0xFF1F; // Chop on, Averaging, AF=63, SF=31, 4Hz
ADC0CON = BIT6 + BIT7 + BIT8 + // ADC3/ADC5(单端模式),AIN3,使用内部基准电压1.2V。
BIT10 + // Unipolar ADC output
BIT15; // Enable Primary_ADC.
ADCMDE = 0x94; // Offest Self Calibration
while((ADCSTA BIT15) == BIT15){} // Wait for Calibration routine to complete
ADCMDE = 0x95; // Gain Self Calibration
while((ADCSTA BIT15) == BIT15){} // Wait for Calibration routine to complete
ADCMDE = BIT0 + BIT4 + BIT7; // continuous conversions
函数名 : UARTInit()
描述 : 初始化ADuC7061的主UART
输入 : void
输出 : void
返回 : void
void UARTInit(void)
// Initialize the UART for 9600-8-N
GP1CON = BIT0 + BIT4; // Select UART functionality for P1.0/P1.1
COMCON0 = BIT7; // Enable access to COMDIV registers
COMDIV0 = 0x21; // Set baud rate to 9600.
COMDIV1 = 0x00;
//COMDIV2 = 0x21 + BIT11; // Enable fractional divider for more accurate baud rate setting
COMIEN0 = BIT0 + BIT1; // Enable UART interrupts when Rx full and Tx buffer empty.
函数名 : void Delay(int a)
描述 : 延时函数
输入 : int a
输出 : void
返回 : void
void Delay(int a)
int i,j;
for(i = 1 ; i < a ; i++)
for(j = 1 ; j < 1000 ; j++);