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EasyEDA开源硬件——LilyPad Arduino SimpleSnap (Open hardware)

本帖最后由 GerryChen 于 2016-1-28 18:31 编辑

LilyPad Arduino SimpleSnap (Open hardware)        
LilyPad Arduino SimpleSnap (Open hardware)  
Description: The LilyPad SimpleSnap is a new, easy way to create e-textiles projects with LilyPad that are modular and can be disassembled or broken down, it’s also a great way to prototype! The SimpleSnap board is similar to the LilyPad Simple board, and has the same functionality except for two major differences: A built-in rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery and female snap connectors. By adding fabric snaps to the board, LilyPad’s made it possible to connect this board to the SimpleSnap Protoboard or simply an arrangement of sew-on fabric snaps so that the board is removable from your project for washing or so that multiple projects can share a board! It is important, though, that you do not wash the SimpleSnap because the battery can be damaged.

The on-board Lithium Polymer battery can be charged simply by attaching an FTDI breakout (the same board used for programming) and just like the Simple, the SimpleSnap can be programmed in Arduino!

LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Leah Buechley and cooperatively designed by Leah and SparkFun. Each LilyPad was creatively designed to have large connecting pads to allow them to be sewn into clothing. Various input, output, power, and sensor boards are available. They’re even washable!

描述: LilyPad SimpleSnap 是新的让你创造电子纺织物工程并且形成标准模块并且可以用来拆分的模块。它同样是一种设计原型的很好的方法。SimpleSnap和 LilyPad Simple 是类似的,并且除了一个内置的可充电的锂聚合物电池和凹形接口。通过添加纺织物到板上,LilyPad使得连接到板子成为可能,或者仅仅是安排一些已经缝上的纺织物,从而使得这块板能够从你的工程中移除去清洗或者多种工程能够被共享。 这个很重要,尽管如此,你还是最好不要洗SimpleSnap因为电池可能损坏。

LilyPad是一个可穿戴的电子纺织技术。由Leah Buechley和Sparkfun合作开发。 每个LilyPad都创造性地拥有巨大的链接焊板并且允许纺织到衣物上。每一个输入,输出,电源,传感器板都可用。它们甚至可以洗。

LilyPad-SimpleSnap-v13 SCH

LilyPad-SimpleSnap-v13 PCB

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