网上支付的安全性成为制约电子商务发展的重要因素之一。Set 协议是为实现网上 安全支付而专门制定的协议,基于这一协议构建了各种各样不同类型的电子商务系统。本文以SET 协议为核心构建了通用的电子商务系统框架,并采用有色Petri 网理论对电子商务系统进行建模与仿真。本文一方面解决了目前电子商务系统设计缺乏统一、规范的方法问题,另一方面引入有色Petri 网理论从系统结构和性能角度验证了采用SET 协议构建电子商务系统的可行性。 关键词:电子商务;有色Petri 网;SET 协议 ABSTRACT: The Security of on-line payment becomes the important factor to prevent the development of electronic commerce. Security electronic transaction protocol is constituted for safe on-line payment. Many kinds of information systems have been built on the protocol. This paper builds the framework of electronic business system by the protocol and set up model by Petri nets theory and tools. The problem that there is not a unitive method when a electronic commerce system is designed has been solved. At last this paper use colorful Petri theory to analyze the structure and performance of the model and verified the possibility to use the protocol. KEY WORDS: Electronic business; Colorful Petri nets; Secure Electronic Transaction protocol