研究基于动态查询表的模糊控制策略及其在转臂式倒立摆中的应用Z 采用一种新的倒立摆系统的控制方法, 将传感器检测的倒立摆的两个角度信息传送到控制器, 控制器利用该信息的模糊化量按基于动态查询表的模糊控制策略进行实时计算, 由得出的控制量控制力矩电机驱使摆杆运动, 从而使摆臂处于动态的直立状态Z 采用C+ + 语言实现了对倒立摆的控制Z 实验结果表明, 这种控制方式能够提高系统的控制精度Z 关键词: 模糊控制; 动态查询表; 转臂式倒立摆; 非线性系统 Abstract: A fuzzy st rategy based on dynam ic query tab le and it s app licat ion on ro tary inverted pendu lum are studied. A new m ethod is u sed to con t ro l the system of inverted pendu lum. W ith th is m ethod, two angles of the inverted pendu lum exam ined by an angu lar sen so r are t ran sm it ted to a con t ro ller. In the con t ro ller, u sing the fuzzy values of the two angles to calcu late the real2 t im e based on the dynam ic query tab le, the ou tpu t is u sed to con t ro l the to rque mo to r w h ich drives the inverted pendu lum. A s a resu lt of th is the inverted pendu lum is kep t in dynam ic up2 righ t state. U sing the C+ + language, test s have show n that th is is an effect ive m ethod in the con t ro l of an inverted pendu lum system , and can imp rove the accu racy of ro tary inverted pendu2 lum system s. Key words: fuzzy con t ro l; dynam ic query tab le; ro tary inverted pendu lum; non linear system