依靠流量工程技术解决端到端延迟的问题是在网络业务流量已知的前提下,不适合未来网络业务类型的不确定性和流量需求的突发性。本文提出了一种通过链路实时流量控制节点状态来选择路由的思想,给出了算法的数学模型,探讨了该算法对业务流量的适应性,为下一步的研究提出了新的课题和思路。 关键词:流量工程技术位势函数 [Abstract] Using traffic engineering (TE) to address end-to-end delay assumes that traffic demands are known apriori,which doesn’t adapt to varying traffic patterns and demands。This paper brings forward a dynamic routing algorithm determining routes through node value changed by real traffic ,presents its basic model,and discusses its adaptability to future networks,which put forwards the new direction and methods。 [Keywords] traffic engineering ,potential function