低空ö超低空是现代防空火力最薄弱的空域。提出了一种雷达与红外传感器信息融合, 探测低空威胁目标的方法。阐述了红外传感器的特点及融合的意义, 给出了信息融合的系统结构, 提出了需要解决的几个关键问题, 并简述了雷达与红外传感器集成的发展趋势。 关键词: 信息融合; 红外传感器; 雷达 Abstract: Low alt itudeö super low alt itude is the w eakest ofmodern air defen se f irepow er. In th is paper, a k ind of radar and inf rared sen so r info rm at ion fu sion m ethod has been pu t fo rw ard to detect low alt itude th reat. The characterist ic of inf rared sen so r and the sign if icance is illu sf rated, the st ructu re of fu sion sys2 tem is p resen ted, several crit ical quest ion s that need to so lve are b rough t fo rw ard, and the developm en t t rend of radar and the inf rared sen so r in tegrat ion are expounded b rief ly. Key words: info rm at ion fu sion, inf rared sen so r, radar