本文以无轴承薄片电机为研究对象。运用刚体动力学和陀螺力学原理,建立系统被动悬浮转子动力学模型,并采用Matlab软件的Simulink对模型进行了仿真分析,研究了在不同阻尼、不同函数以及不同参数下系统的稳定性,其结果对电机的本体设计和优化具有指导意义。 Abstract: Bearinglesss slice motor is described in this paper. Based on geostatics and mechanics of gyroscope, the modeling of the dynamic behaviour of the rotor is pointed out and MATLAB simulations of the model is presented with the insight into the stability of system under different damps, different functions and different parameters, the results of which show guidance for the design and optimization of motors. 关键词:磁悬浮;无轴承;薄片电机;被动悬浮;动力学 Keywords: Magnetic Suspension;Bearingless;Slice motor;Passive suspension;Dynamic