您好tarekc972,感谢您在英特尔®Optane™内存社区发布您的问题。在检查了销售Optane ready board的推荐制造商后,联想不在此列表中。
要确认BIO已准备好接受Optane,您可以检查是否能够将BIOS中的SATA模式从AHCI更改为“Intel RST premium and system acceleration”。
如果您的BIOS中没有该选项,这意味着主板不支持Optane,您需要联系您的制造商以确定他们是否有适用于您的笔记本电脑的Optane Ready BIOS。另外我想知道您是如何连接的
你正在使用什么界面?我将等待你的反馈。最好的问候,Juan N.
Hello tarekc972,
Thanks for posting your question in the Intel® Optane™ Memory community.
After checking in the recommended manufactures that sell Optane ready boards, Lenovo is not in this list. This won’t necessarily mean that the Optane memory won’t work on your board, this means Intel has not tested or validated boards from other vendors. Here is the list of recommended vendors:
Where were you advertised about your laptop being Optane ready?
In order for the Optane to work you need to confirm the BIOS is ready for it. To confirm the BIOs is ready for Optane you can check if you are able to change the SATA mode in your BIOS from AHCI to “Intel RST premium and system acceleration”. If the option is not available in your BIOS this would mean the motherboard is not Optane ready and you will need to contact your manufacturer to be sure if they have an Optane Ready BIOS for your laptop.
Additionally I would like to know how are you connecting the Optane memory to the system. What interface are you using?
I will be waiting for your feedback.
Best Regards,
Juan N.
您好tarekc972,感谢您在英特尔®Optane™内存社区发布您的问题。在检查了销售Optane ready board的推荐制造商后,联想不在此列表中。
要确认BIO已准备好接受Optane,您可以检查是否能够将BIOS中的SATA模式从AHCI更改为“Intel RST premium and system acceleration”。
如果您的BIOS中没有该选项,这意味着主板不支持Optane,您需要联系您的制造商以确定他们是否有适用于您的笔记本电脑的Optane Ready BIOS。另外我想知道您是如何连接的
你正在使用什么界面?我将等待你的反馈。最好的问候,Juan N.
Hello tarekc972,
Thanks for posting your question in the Intel® Optane™ Memory community.
After checking in the recommended manufactures that sell Optane ready boards, Lenovo is not in this list. This won’t necessarily mean that the Optane memory won’t work on your board, this means Intel has not tested or validated boards from other vendors. Here is the list of recommended vendors:
Where were you advertised about your laptop being Optane ready?
In order for the Optane to work you need to confirm the BIOS is ready for it. To confirm the BIOs is ready for Optane you can check if you are able to change the SATA mode in your BIOS from AHCI to “Intel RST premium and system acceleration”. If the option is not available in your BIOS this would mean the motherboard is not Optane ready and you will need to contact your manufacturer to be sure if they have an Optane Ready BIOS for your laptop.
Additionally I would like to know how are you connecting the Optane memory to the system. What interface are you using?
I will be waiting for your feedback.
Best Regards,
Juan N.