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我有一个PIC32起动器套件,带有PIC32 MZ2048 EFH144和PIC32 DA家族启动套件,带有PIC32 MZ2064 DAA28 8。它们是用我用过的USB电缆来编程的。我也可以使用这些电缆进行调试吗?我无法调试工作。我能用USB电缆进行调试吗?或者我需要另一个电缆/设备吗?我有一个PACtiT3,我用8/16位设备,但我不认为它会连接。调试时最便宜的设备是什么?是否有能够用USB进行调试的设置?提前感谢。



    I have a PIC32 Starter Kit with a PIC32MZ2048EFH144 and PIC32 DA Family Starter Kit with a PIC32MZ2064DAA288.  They came with USB cables that I've been using to program them.  Can I use these cables to debug also?  I haven't been able to get the debugging working.  Can I do debugging with the USB cables or do I need another cable/device?  I have a PICKIT3 that I used for 8/16-bit devices, but I don't think it'll connect.  What's the cheapest device I would need to do debugging?  Are there settings to be able to debug with USB?  Thanks in advance.



2018-12-3 11:49:58





2018-12-3 12:07:14
请参阅UG第16页。使用USB MIC-B连接器进行车载调试器(J19)



    See page 16 of the UG.
Use USB Micro-B connector for on-board debugger (J19)


2018-12-3 12:17:01



      Thanks for the info, but I've read through that document when I got the Starter Kit.  There's also some wrong information:
2.1.4 "When the JP17 jumper is installed, pin 1 must be connected to pin 3, and pin 2 must be connected to pin 4." is wrong.  It correctly states how to install the jumper on page 38.
  Anyway, the debugger won't work right when I try it.  I set a breakpoint and I know that the PIC has stopped (by LED indications from my code), but the debugger never says that it stopped at the breakpoint!  If I pause the PIC, it never tells me where it stopped and I can't read any actual variable values.  What am I doing wrong?
  Do I have something wrong in my #pragma configs?

/*** DEVCFG0 ***/
#pragma config DEBUG =      ON              // Background Debugger Enable (Debugger is enabled)
#pragma config JTAGEN =     OFF             // JTAG Enable (JTAG Disabled)
#pragma config ICESEL =     ICS_PGx2        // ICE/ICD Comm Channel Select (Communicate on PGEC2/PGED2) - 2 allows debugging
#pragma config TRCEN =      OFF             // Trace Enable (Trace features in the CPU are disabled)
#pragma config BOOTISA =    MIPS32          // Boot ISA Selection (Boot code and Exception code is MIPS32)
#pragma config FECCCON =    OFF_UNLOCKED    // Dynamic Flash ECC Configuration (ECC and Dynamic ECC are disabled (ECCCON bits are writable))
#pragma config FSLEEP =     OFF             // Flash Sleep Mode (Flash is powered down when the device is in Sleep mode)
#pragma config DBGPER =     PG_ALL          // Debug Mode CPU Access Permission (Allow CPU access to all permission regions)
#pragma config SMCLR =      MCLR_NORM       // Soft Master Clear Enable bit (MCLR pin generates a normal system Reset)
#pragma config SOSCGAIN =   GAIN_2X         // Secondary Oscillator Gain Control bits (2x gain setting)
#pragma config SOSCBOOST =  ON              // Secondary Oscillator Boost Kick Start Enable bit (Boost the kick start of the oscillator)
#pragma config POSCGAIN =   GAIN_2X         // Primary Oscillator Gain Control bits (2x gain setting)
#pragma config POSCBOOST =  ON              // Primary Oscillator Boost Kick Start Enable bit (Boost the kick start of the oscillator)
#pragma config EJTAGBEN =   NORMAL          // EJTAG Boot (Normal EJTAG functionality)
#pragma config CP =         OFF             // Code Protect (Protection Disabled)
/*** DEVCFG1 ***/
#pragma config FNOSC =      SPLL            // Oscillator Selection Bits (System PLL)
#pragma config DMTINTV =    WIN_127_128     // DMT Count Window Interval (Window/Interval value is 127/128 counter value)
#pragma config FSOSCEN =    ON              // Secondary Oscillator Enable (Enable SOSC)
#pragma config IESO =       ON              // Internal/External Switch Over (Enabled)
#pragma config POSCMOD =    EC              // Primary Oscillator Configuration (External clock mode)
#pragma config OSCIOFNC =   OFF             // CLKO Output Signal Active on the OSCO Pin (Disabled)
#pragma config FCKSM =      CSECME          // Clock Switching and Monitor Selection (Clock Switch Disabled, FSCM Disabled)
#pragma config WDTPS =      PS1048576       // Watchdog Timer Postscaler (1:1048576)
#pragma config WDTSPGM =    STOP            // Watchdog Timer Stop During Flash Programming (WDT stops during Flash programming)
#pragma config FWDTEN =     OFF             // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT Disabled)
#pragma config WINDIS =     NORMAL          // Watchdog Timer Window Mode (Watchdog Timer is in non-Window mode)
#pragma config FWDTWINSZ =  WINSZ_25        // Watchdog Timer Window Size (Window size is 25%)
#pragma config DMTCNT =     DMT31           // Deadman Timer Count Selection (2^31 (2147483648))
#pragma config FDMTEN =     OFF             // Deadman Timer Enable (Deadman Timer is disabled)
/*** DEVCFG2 ***/
// Clock frequency is 24MHz, driven by either an oscillator or a crystal.
// The 24MHz input will divided by the setting of FPLLIDIV (3).
// Set FPLLRNG to match the range of the divided frequency (5-10MHz).
// The divided input will be multiplied by the FPLLMULT setting (50).
// The final system clock value is the result of division by FPLLODIV (2).
// System clock formula:
#pragma config FPLLIDIV =   DIV_3           // System PLL Input Divider (3x Divider)
#pragma config FPLLRNG =    RANGE_5_10_MHZ  // System PLL Input Range (5-10 MHz Input)
#pragma config FPLLICLK =   PLL_POSC        // System PLL Input Clock Selection (POSC is input to the System PLL)
#pragma config FPLLMULT =   MUL_50          // System PLL Multiplier (PLL Multiply by 50)
#pragma config FPLLODIV =   DIV_2           // System PLL Output Clock Divider (2x Divider)
#pragma config VBATBOREN =  ON              // Enable ZPBOR during VBAT Mode
#pragma config DSBOREN =    ON              // Enable ZPBOR during Deep Sleep Mode
#pragma config DSWDTPS =    DSPS32       // Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer Postscaler 1:2^36
#pragma config DSWDTOSC =   LPRC            // Select LPRC as DSWDT Reference clock
#pragma config DSWDTEN =    OFF             // Disable DSWDT during Deep Sleep Mode
#pragma config FDSEN =      ON           // Disable DSEN bit in DSCON
#pragma config UPLLFSEL =   FREQ_24MHZ      // USB PLL Input Frequency Selection (USB PLL input is 24 MHz)
/*** DEVCFG3 ***/
#pragma config USERID =     0xffff          // Set the User ID (0x0 to 0xffff)
#pragma config EXTDDRSIZE = DDR_SIZE_128MB // External DDR2 Size is 128 MB
#pragma config FMIIEN =     OFF             // Ethernet RMII/MII Enable (RMII Enabled)
#pragma config FETHIO =     ON              // Ethernet I/O Pin Select (Alternate Ethernet I/O)
#pragma config PGL1WAY =    OFF             // Permission Group Lock One Way Configuration (Allow multiple reconfigurations)
#pragma config PMDL1WAY =   OFF             // Peripheral Module Disable Configuration (Allow multiple reconfigurations)
#pragma config IOL1WAY =    OFF             // Peripheral Pin Select Configuration (Allow multiple reconfigurations)
/*** DEVCFG4 ***/
#pragma config SWDTPS =     SPS1048576      // Sleep Mode Watchdog Timer Postscaler
/*** BF1SEQ0 ***/
#pragma config TSEQ =       0x0000          // Boot Flash True Sequence Number
#pragma config CSEQ =       0xffff          // Boot Flash Complement Sequence Number


2018-12-3 12:26:10



Found the solution!  I had to comment out some code:

// Disable JTAG control of outputs
//CFGCONbits.JTAGEN = 0;
//CFGCONbits.TDOEN = 0;
//CFGCONbits.TROEN = 0;

I don't know why I had this in there, it may have been left over from some other project that needed to use these pins.

