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在过去的几年里,我一直很高兴地使用我的PICtiT3来编程不同的设备。最近,我安装了MPLABX IDE V3.60(我一直在使用MPLAB ID.V8. xx),并开始使用PIC24FJ128DA210。同样,没有问题。然后,我使用MPLAB IDE V8和PIC16F1828切换回一个较老的项目。PICIT3拒绝正确检测目标PIC16F1828(我收到了错误,“目标设备ID(0x0)))。下面是一个环境的列表:我尝试了使用PIC16F1828的几个板。(所有的板是生产版本与已知的良好的挑剔接口)。每次使用MPLAB V8.xx时,我都收到相同的“目标设备ID”错误。我尝试卸载MPLAB软件并在试验间断开PICTIT3。它将与PIC24FJ128DA210通信而不发布。如果我使用MPLAB IPE V3.60,我可以与PIC16F1828通信到板。-我已经验证了PICTIT3在PIC24FJ128DA210和PIC16F1828之间切换时自动上传新固件。在MPLABX IDE中,我将项目从使用PICTIT3切换到使用模拟器,然后关闭MPLABX软件。当使用MPLAB V8xx软件时,PICTIT3仍然不能正确地检测PIC16F1828。有没有办法让PACKIT3同时使用MPLABX IDE和MPLAB V8XXX IDE?谢谢,托马斯



    I have been happily using my PICKit3 to program different devices over the last years without issue.  Recently, I installed MPLABx IDE v3.60 (I had been using MPLAB IDE V8.xx), and started using the PIC24FJ128DA210.  Again, no problems.  I then switched back to an older project using the MPLAB IDE v8 and the PIC16F1828.  The PICKit3 refused to detect the target PIC16F1828 properly (I received the error, "Target Device ID (0x0)" ).  Below is a list of the circumstances:

- I tried several boards that used the PIC16F1828.   (All boards are production versions with known good PICKit interfaces).  I receive the same "target device ID" error each time when using MPLAB v8.xx.
- I tried unloading the MPLAB software and disconnecting the PICKit3 between trials.
- The PICKit3 itself is fine.  It will communicate to the PIC24FJ128DA210 without issue.
- If I use MPLAB IPE v3.60, I can communicate to the boards with the PIC16F1828.
- I have verified that the PICKit3 is automatically uploading new firmware when switching between the PIC24FJ128DA210 and the PIC16F1828.
- The PICKit3 is not used to power the target boards.
- In MPLABx IDE I switched the project from using the PICKit3 to using a simulator, then closed the MPLABx software.  The PICKit3 still would not properly detect the PIC16F1828 when using the MPLAB v8.xx software.

Is there some way to get the PICKit3 to work with both the MPLABx IDE and the MPLAB v8.xx IDE?

- Thomas



2019-2-25 08:25:50
我相信你需要使用MPLAB驱动程序切换器来完成这项工作。它应该已经安装了MPLAX X



    I believe you need to use the MPLAB Driver Switcher application to do this. It should have been installed with MPLAB X


2019-2-25 08:45:49



    The driver switcher is only required for the ICD3 and RealIce.
When you switch between MPLAB8 and MPLABX I'd make sure to force it to update and not rely on it "automatically" updating. I've seen situations where it leaves parts of the old firmware in place, and you need to get it to fully update the bootloader, RS, and AP firmware.


2019-2-25 09:03:59
谢谢你们的回答。“自动”更新器工作。当我使用PIC16F1828切换到MPLAB V8XX项目时,IDE显示AP固件成功更新,但是MPLAB V8xx仍然不会读取设备ID。如果我再切换到MPLAB IPE V3.60,即使IPE没有显示它需要UPD,我也可以编程PIC16F1828。吃了皮卡3上的任何东西。我还检查了MPLAB驱动器切换器,正如Messina先生提到的,司机切换器似乎不关心皮卡3。使用PICTIT3的MPLAB V8xx显然使用了一个通用的Windows USB驱动程序。谢谢,托马斯



    Thank you both for answering.
The 'automatic' updater does work.  When I switch to the MPLAB v8.xx project using the PIC16F1828, the IDE shows that the AP firmware gets successfully updated, but MPLAB v8.xx still won't read the device ID.   If I then switch back to MPLAB IPE v3.60, I can program the PIC16F1828 even though the IPE does not show that it needed to update anything on the PICKit 3.
I also checked the MPLAB driver switcher, and as Mr. Messina mentioned, the driver switcher doesn't seem to be concerned about the PICKit 3.  MPLAB v8.xx with the PICKit3 apparently uses a generic windows USB driver.
- Thomas


2019-2-25 09:15:37
嗨,我的建议基于类似的更新问题:如果你需要/想要同时使用MPLAB V8和MPLAB X,使用2个单独的工具。这是一个节省时间的大节省,以避免这种更新,因为在某些情况下固件更新不能可靠工作。如果你在MPLAB X.T上使用不同的PIC家族,同样是如此。调试器每次从一个设备切换到另一个设备时都会不断更新,因为它内置了有限的闪存,在那里有1200个PICS。我亲自标记了工具(ICD3/PICTIT3),这样我就知道用哪个工具来使用哪个设备。这样做节省了等待固件的负担。更新和/或努力使固件更新工作



My recommendation based on similar update issues :
If you need / want to use both MPLAB v8 and MPLAB X, use 2 separate tools.
It is a big time saver to avoid this update because on occasions the firmware update does not work reliably.
Same is true if you work on different PIC families on MPLAB X. The debugger keeps updating everytime you switch from one device to another because it has limited flash memory built-in and there are 1200 PICs out there.
I personally label the tools (ICD3 / pickit3) so that I know which tool to use with which device.
Doing this saves the burden to wait for firmware updates and/or struggle to get the firmware update to work 

