嗨,谢谢大家的帮助。微笑:我把皮卡2连接在这里,引脚1-5(请参阅图片)。我已经运行了一个闪烁的LED程序之前,所有这些,以证明我自己的振荡器和程序员工作。晶体电容器确实是22PF,我会得到更多的替代他们,因为我的小帽子无论如何。我不认为这可能是因为闪烁的LED程序工作(假设错误)?MCLR pin是通过一个电阻VDD和另一个(蓝色)线到PIXIT2UPDATE的PIN 1:-我把帽子放在VCC VDD引脚的MCU上,修剪下来的Vu***帽上放一个10uf帽子横过轨道(这个值足够近吗?)-决定再次测试威廉希尔官方网站
闪烁的LED程序= & t;没有输出。-我用另一个4550代替MCU并应用闪光灯LED。HEX到新的MUC= & Gt;它工作。-使用XC8 V1.32和MPLAB IDE 3编译了一个示例(简化的自定义HID演示项目使用MLA V2013Y1212/ 20 /V2014Y07Y22)。(BTW谢谢你制作VLogi)。然后应用十六进制。使用外部电源供电。= V.USB上的0V。复位后的MCU以飞行引导到GND。=0V在VUSB上使用预编译(USB设备- CDC -基本演示-C18 -PDENM FSUB-HID BooToad,HEX)从微芯片。= V.USB上的0V。复位后的MCU以飞行引导到GND。在VubMy理解上,当VMCU的硬件初始化时,VUSB引脚将在3.3V。因此,不管USB是否能与PC通信,如果MCU上的硬件工作,不管时钟设置等(如果MCU没有被中断),仍然应该有3.3V。在这方面我是正确的吗?
Hi, thanks for your help everyone. Smile:
I'm connecting the PICkit 2 here pins 1-5 (please see image).
I have run a flashing LED program before all this to prove to myself that the oscillator and programmer were working.
The crystal capacitors are indeed 22pF, I'll get more to replace them as I'm out of small caps anyway. I don’t think it could be those though due to the flashing LED program working (faulty assumption?).
The MCLR pin is to Vdd through a resistor and the other (blue) wire goes to pin 1 of the PICkit2
-I put the caps in across the Vcc Vdd pins of the MCU, Trimmed down the cap on Vu*** put a 10uF cap across the rails (is the value close enough?) .
-Decided to test the circuit again with the flashing led program => no output.
-I replaced the MCU with another 4550 and applied the flashing LED .hex to the new MUC => It works.
-Compiled an example (
Simplified Custom HID Demo project using MLA v2013_12_ 20 / v2014_07_22) using xc8 v1.32 and mplab IDE 3.00. (btw thanks for making that vloki). Then applied the .hex .
Powered using an external supply.. => 0V on Vu***.
After resetting the MCU with a flying lead to GND. => 0V on Vu***
-Used the precompiled (USB Device - CDC - Basic Demo - C18 - PICDEM FSUSB - HID bootload.hex) from microchip.
Powered using an external supply.. => 0V on Vu***.
After resetting the MCU with a flying lead to GND. => 0V on Vu***
My understanding is that the Vu*** pin will be at 3.3V when the hardware on the MCU is initialized. So regardless of whether or not the USB can communicate with the PC there should still be 3.3V there if the hardware on the MCU is working, regardless of clock setting etc (provided the MCU isn't be caught in an interrupt). <= Am I correct in this ?