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MPLABX V3.51现在为目标设备下载新的固件:PIC32 MX530F128H下载AP…AP下载完成编程下载…当前加载的固件在真正的ICE固件套件版本…01.4614固件类型……PIC32 MX目标电压检测到不能连接到目标DE副设备。未能获得设备IDPIC32 MX530F128H i-PtiT不与ICD3或实际ICE3.3 VDC到0.1和0.01uF陶瓷到Pin 1019,26,35,3557 3.3V固体无振荡。在引脚9,20,25,41,10UF陶瓷到引脚56的Vcap(3.3伏)的理由(固体无振荡)PEGC是PIN 17(PEGC2)PEGD是PIN 18(PEGD2)MCLCR 10K脉冲信号,信号看起来好,没有连接到它们。有什么建议,下一步检查什么?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 MPLabX V3.51 Now Downloading new Firmware for target device: PIC32MX530F128H Downloading AP... AP download complete Programming download... Currently loaded firmware on REAL ICE Firmware Suite Version.....01.46.14 Firmware type..............PIC32MX Target voltage detected Unable to connect to the target device. Failed to get Device ID PIC32MX530F128H I-PT It does not work with an ICD3 or Real Ice 3.3 Vdc to 0.1 and 0.01uf ceramic to Pin10,19,26,35,38,57 3.3V solid no oscillation. Grounds at Pin 9, 20,25,41, 10uF ceramic to Vcap at Pin 56 (which measures 3.3V ??) (solid no oscillation) PEGC is to Pin 17 (PEGC2) PEGD is to Pin 18 (PEGD2) MCLCR 10K Pullup The Signals look ok and have nothing connected to them. Any suggestions about what to check next? |
你有可能尝试另一个PGEC/PGD对吗?例如PGEC1/PGED1在引脚15 + 16?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Is there any chance you could try another PGEC/PGED pair? e.g. PGEC1/PGED1 on pins 15+16 ? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 It is a TQFP, so not really. the Errata does not show and issues. |
嗨,如果你看到VCAP= 3.3V,那么你真的有一个硬件问题……根据数据表,Vcap电压应该在1.8V左右(数据表参数D321)。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, If you see Vcap = 3.3V then you really have an hardware issue....According to the datasheet, Vcap voltage should be around 1.8V (datasheet parameter D321). See also section 28.3.3 Regards |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I saw that and > 2.5 on Vcap will hold it in reset. But why would that happen? The old difference I have from FIGURE 2-1 is AVdd is powered from a different regulator. |
嗨,3.3 V在56针VCAP?应该像1.8 V短路或焊桥到附近的PIN 57 VDD?参见数据表:23.3.1高电压检测(HVD)和表:31-11HV10 MysIL
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, 3.3 V at pin 56 VCAP ? Should be something like 1.8 V Short or solder bridge to nearby pin 57 VDD ? See datasheet: 28.3.1 HIGH VOLTAGE DETECT (HVD) and Table: 31-11 HV10 Mysil |
从我的模拟线性3.3V稳压器看来,Powering AVdd似乎是个坏主意。如果我缩短了VCCAP读V0CAP的话,如果我把它放短,它就会显示V1.8,ICD3把它读成A0。!!!电线比针大。哦,一滴水。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 And that appears to be it. Powering AVdd from my Analog Linear 3.3V regulator appears to be a bad idea. If I short That regulator to Ground Vcap reads 0V The if I release the Short it shows V1.8 and the ICD3 reads it version as A0. To the Blue wire!!!! The wire bigger than the pin. Oh for a DIP. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 That regulator is probably ramping up quicker than your main regulator, causing some sort of minor latchup. There's usually a limit somewhere on how different the two supplies are allowed to be. Maybe a Schottky diode from AVDD to VDD could lock them together during power up. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 And Suggestions on a Ferrite for Vdd to the AVdd pin? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Is that a separate question? It may reduce noise by isolating AVDD from VDD, but wouldn't have any bearing on your original problem. |
我想用我的模拟3.3V电源为PIC AVDD管脚供电,但是我好像不能这么做。从正面看,它并没有破坏PIC。将AVDD连接到VDD解决了问题。但是我希望一些“隔离VDD的AVDD”降噪。铁氧体珠是合理的,或者我需要一个感应器每2-1图。(假设C是去耦帽)我的样本每秒会慢100个样本。我正在考虑一个10通道扫描,每秒10次。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Kind of related. I tried to use my Analog 3.3V supply to power the PIC AVdd Pin. But It seems I can't do that. On the Plus side it does not destroy the PIC. Connecting AVdd to Vdd fixes the problem. But I would like some of that "isolating AVDD from VDD" noise reduction. Is a ferrite bead reasonable, or do I need an inductor per Figure 2-1. (I assume C is the decoupling Cap) my sample will be slow 100 samples per second. I am thinking of a 10 channel scan, 10 times per second. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Did you consider my diode suggestion? A ferrite bead would be better than a direct link. It depends upon what impedance it has at the frequencies your noise is worst. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I missed your diode suggestion. I will try it on the board I did not cut. I suspect it is a power supply sequencing issue too. The analog supply probably comes up a little quicker. |
我正在恢复这个线程。调试很好,没有问题,调试或编程与ICD3。但现实似乎有麻烦。它经常显示:当前加载的固件在真正的ICE固件套件版本…01.4614固件类型……PIC32 MX目标电压检测到无法连接到目标设备。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am resurrecting this thread. The Debugging is Fine No problem Debugging or Programming with an ICD3. But a RealIce seems to have Trouble. It often shows: Currently loaded firmware on REAL ICE Firmware Suite Version.....01.46.14 Firmware type..............PIC32MX Target voltage detected Unable to connect to the target device. Failed to get Device ID MPlabX V3.51 There is the Gate of a 2N7002 on Both PGC and PGD |
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