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我们将坚持每天至少发布一个基于YS-F1Pro开发板的HAL库例程, 该系列例程将带领大家从零开始使用HAL库,后面会持续添加模块应用例程。 同样的,我们还程序发布基于HAL库的指导文档和视频教程,欢迎持续关注,并提出改进意见。 例程下载: 资料包括程序、相关说明资料以及软件使用截图 百度云盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1slN8rIt 密码:u6m1 360云盘:https://yunpan.cn/OcPiRp3wEcA92u密码 cfb6 (硬石YS-F1Pro开发板HAL库例程持续更新2. 软件设计之高级裸机例程(HAL库版本)YSF1_HAL-118. MPU6050陀螺仪)/** ****************************************************************************** * 硬石YS-F1Pro开发板例程功能说明 * * 例程名称: 3. MPU6050陀螺仪(LCD液晶显示&匿名上位机) * ****************************************************************************** * 说明: * 本例程配套硬石STM32开发板YS-F1Pro使用。 * * 淘宝: * william hill官网 :硬石电子社区 * 版权归硬石嵌入式开发团队所有,请勿商用。 ****************************************************************************** */ |
I2C总线是飞利浦公司开发的两线式串行总线。用于连接微控制器和外围设备。它是同步通信的一 种特殊形式,具有接口线少,控制方式简单,器件封装形式小,通信速率较高等优点。通过串行数据 (SDA)线和串行时钟 (SCL)线在连接到总线的器件间传递信息。每个器件都有一个唯一的地址识 别,而且都可以作为一个发送器或接收器 【2】跳线帽情况 ******* 为保证例程正常运行,必须插入以下跳线帽 ********** 丝印编号 IO端口 目标功能引脚 出厂默认设置 JP1 PA10 TXD(CH340G) 已接入 JP2 PA9 RXD(CH340G) 已接入 【3】操作及现象 使用开发板配套的MINI USB线连接到开发板标示“调试串口”字样的MIMI USB接口(需要安装驱动), 在电脑端打开串口调试助手工具,设置参数为115200 8-N-1。下载完程序之后,将MPU6050接入I2C的 接口,在开发板的LCD显示屏即可看到相应的数值。 |
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下载附件 [color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important]4 小时前 上传 |
int main(void) { uint32_t lcdid; inv_error_t result; unsigned char accel_fsr, new_temp = 0; unsigned short gyro_rate, gyro_fsr; unsigned long timestamp; struct int_param_s int_param; HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); lcdid=BSP_LCD_Init(); MX_DEBUG_USART_Init(); MX_SPIFlash_Init(); MPU_INT_GPIO_Init(); I2C_Bus_Init(); printf("LCD ID=0x%08Xn",lcdid); printf("mpu 6050 test start"); LCD_Clear(0,0,LCD_DEFAULT_WIDTH,LCD_DEFAULT_HEIGTH,WHITE); LCD_BK_ON(); LCD_DispString_EN_CH ( 20, 20, (const uint8_t *)"This is a MPU6050 demo", BACKGROUND, BLACK,USB_FONT_24); result = mpu_init(&int_param); if (result) { MPL_LOGE("Could not initialize gyro.result = %dn",result); LCD_DispString_EN_CH(0,40,(const uint8_t *)"No MPU6050 detceted!Please check the hardware connection.", BACKGROUND,RED,USB_FONT_24); } else { LCD_DispString_EN_CH(30,40,(const uint8_t *)"MPU6050 decteted!", BACKGROUND,BLACK,USB_FONT_24); } result = inv_init_mpl(); if (result) { MPL_LOGE("Could not initialize MPL.n"); } inv_enable_quaternion(); inv_enable_9x_sensor_fusion(); inv_enable_fast_nomot(); inv_enable_gyro_tc(); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED inv_enable_vector_compass_cal(); inv_enable_magnetic_disturbance(); #endif inv_enable_eMPL_outputs(); result = inv_start_mpl(); if (result == INV_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED) { while (1) { MPL_LOGE("Not authorized.n"); } } if (result) { MPL_LOGE("Could not start the MPL.n"); } #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED mpu_set_sensors(INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_XYZ_ACCEL | INV_XYZ_COMPASS); #else mpu_set_sensors(INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_XYZ_ACCEL); #endif mpu_configure_fifo(INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_XYZ_ACCEL); mpu_set_sample_rate(DEFAULT_MPU_HZ); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED mpu_set_compass_sample_rate(1000 / COMPASS_READ_MS); #endif mpu_get_sample_rate(&gyro_rate); mpu_get_gyro_fsr(&gyro_fsr); mpu_get_accel_fsr(&accel_fsr); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED mpu_get_compass_fsr(&compass_fsr); #endif inv_set_gyro_sample_rate(1000000L / gyro_rate); inv_set_accel_sample_rate(1000000L / gyro_rate); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED inv_set_compass_sample_rate(COMPASS_READ_MS * 1000L); #endif inv_set_gyro_orientation_and_scale( inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(gyro_pdata.orientation), (long)gyro_fsr<<15); inv_set_accel_orientation_and_scale( inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(gyro_pdata.orientation), (long)accel_fsr<<15); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED inv_set_compass_orientation_and_scale( inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(compass_pdata.orientation), (long)compass_fsr<<15); #endif #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED hal.sensors = ACCEL_ON | GYRO_ON | COMPASS_ON; #else hal.sensors = ACCEL_ON | GYRO_ON; #endif hal.dmp_on = 0; hal.report = 0; hal.rx.cmd = 0; hal.next_pedo_ms = 0; hal.next_compass_ms = 0; hal.next_temp_ms = 0; get_tick_count(×tamp); dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware(); dmp_set_orientation( inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(gyro_pdata.orientation)); dmp_register_tap_cb(tap_cb); dmp_register_android_orient_cb(android_orient_cb); hal.dmp_features = DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT | DMP_FEATURE_TAP | DMP_FEATURE_ANDROID_ORIENT | DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCEL | DMP_FEATURE_SEND_CAL_GYRO | DMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CAL; dmp_enable_feature(hal.dmp_features); dmp_set_fifo_rate(DEFAULT_MPU_HZ); mpu_set_dmp_state(1); hal.dmp_on = 1; while(1){ unsigned long sensor_timestamp; int new_data = 0; if (__HAL_USART_GET_FLAG(&husart_debug, USART_FLAG_RXNE)) { __HAL_USART_CLEAR_FLAG(&husart_debug, USART_FLAG_RXNE); handle_input(); } get_tick_count(×tamp); #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED if ((timestamp > hal.next_compass_ms) && !hal.lp_accel_mode && hal.new_gyro && (hal.sensors & COMPASS_ON)) { hal.next_compass_ms = timestamp + COMPASS_READ_MS; new_compass = 1; } #endif if (timestamp > hal.next_temp_ms) { hal.next_temp_ms = timestamp + TEMP_READ_MS; new_temp = 1; } if (hal.motion_int_mode) { mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(500, 1, 5); inv_accel_was_turned_off(); inv_gyro_was_turned_off(); inv_compass_was_turned_off(); inv_quaternion_sensor_was_turned_off(); while (!hal.new_gyro) {} mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(0, 0, 0); hal.motion_int_mode = 0; } if (!hal.sensors || !hal.new_gyro) { continue; } if (hal.new_gyro && hal.lp_accel_mode) { short accel_short[3]; long accel[3]; mpu_get_accel_reg(accel_short, &sensor_timestamp); accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0]; accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1]; accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2]; inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; hal.new_gyro = 0; } else if (hal.new_gyro && hal.dmp_on) { short gyro[3], accel_short[3], sensors; unsigned char more; long accel[3], quat[4], temperature; dmp_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, quat, &sensor_timestamp, &sensors, &more); if (!more) hal.new_gyro = 0; if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) { inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; if (new_temp) { new_temp = 0; mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp); inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp); } } if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) { accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0]; accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1]; accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2]; inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; } if (sensors & INV_WXYZ_QUAT) { inv_build_quat(quat, 0, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; } } else if (hal.new_gyro) { short gyro[3], accel_short[3]; unsigned char sensors, more; long accel[3], temperature; hal.new_gyro = 0; mpu_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, &sensor_timestamp, &sensors, &more); if (more) hal.new_gyro = 1; if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) { inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; if (new_temp) { new_temp = 0; mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp); inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp); } } if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) { accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0]; accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1]; accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2]; inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp); new_data = 1; } } #ifdef COMPASS_ENABLED if (new_compass) { short compass_short[3]; long compass[3]; new_compass = 0; if (!mpu_get_compass_reg(compass_short, &sensor_timestamp)) { compass[0] = (long)compass_short[0]; compass[1] = (long)compass_short[1]; compass[2] = (long)compass_short[2]; inv_build_compass(compass, 0, sensor_timestamp); } new_data = 1; } #endif if (new_data) { inv_execute_on_data(); read_from_mpl(); } } } |
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