指纹传感器(FPS200) 运用图像搜索技术,通过改变传感器电容阵列参数,能在1 s 内扫描多帧指纹图像,并自动选择质量最好的供后端进行相应处理,显著减低系统误识率、拒识率。主要介绍基于该传感器开发的“指纹鼠标”。根据鼠标内部较大空间、传感器FPS200 及微处理器体积很小的特点,将三者集成为集鼠标与用户身份识别功能于一体,既方便快捷、又唯一可靠。实践证明,它能为计算机用户提供完善的身份认证,在诸多领域有着极其广泛的用途。 关键词: 指纹传感器; 图像搜索技术; 验证; 辨识 Abstract : By using the image seek technology to change the capacity array parameter of the fingerprint sensor , FPS200 can scan the fingerprint diagram of many frames in a second ,and automatically choosing the best image to treat . The FAR and the FRR of the system can be widely reduced in the practice.“Fingerprint mouse”which base on the sensor is introduced. The mouse has been made possible by taking account of the roomy space within mouse ,tiny chip patch for sensor FPS200 ,together with small size of available microprocessors ,The usage of this device is very easy and reliable. It can provide perfect identity for computer user ,and there is very extensive using in many realms. Key words : fingerprint sensor (FPS) ; image seek technology ; verification ; distinguish