首先简单介绍了图像定位和分类系统的基本概念。然后分析了几种图像定位和分类系统的实现方式与性能。在此基础上,提出了一种新型图像和分类系统实现方案:该方案采用可重配置器件FPGA 和数字信号处理器DSP 协同工作,实现了便携式图像处理系统。最后给出系统测试平台设计思路,并详细列出新型系统的性能数据。 关键词:图像采集、图像定位、图像分类 Abstract: This paper briefly gives the basic conception of image localization and classification system at first. Then this paper presents some existing systems dealing with object localization and classification, analyzing the performance and implementation of each work. Basing on these descriptions, a new system for localization and classification of images using FPGA and DSP is proposed, developing a portable system for image processing. At last, the design method of the testing platform is given with comprehensive test data listed. Keyword: Image acquisition, Image localization, Image classifcation