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本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-5 14:57 编辑
hi,I want to know if there are some demo about how to use the AM5728`s mcasp1 or mcasp2? And now I had forrowed the guide and step by step for interfacing an audio DAC to the McASP on AM728 devices. and run ok. Sitara Linux Software Developer's Guide → Sitara Linux SDK → Audio: DAC Example http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php?title=Sitara_Linux_Audio_DAC_Example&keyMatch=mcasp&tisearch=Search-EN but when I try to use the MCASP1 or MCASP2 to transmit some data(not audio data,just usual pcm data). I found there some problem block me. my step is: 1、follow the guide finish the dummy audio driver. 2、use the alsa-lib/test/pcm_min to transmit some data. the code as follow: (figure 1) 3、then use the LA5061 Logic Analyzer to catch the output, as the following: (figure 2) the analyzer conectting and setting is: channel0: DATA channel14:FRAME channel15:ACLK now, my puzzle is: 1、look at the figuer 2. why the DATA output is 0x0001 0x0001 0x0201 0x0201 0x0401 0x0401...? and i used "omapconf dump mcasp1" when running ./pcm_min , the reg. value as figuer 3. 2、why the channel 1 and channel 5 have signal output? 3、how to transmit the data using all of the 16 channels of the McASP1? if there are some demo or user guide for me. thanks. |
您好,谢谢您的关注和回复。 请问 1、mcasp1的16个通道传输数据是简单的并行模式发送和接收的吗? 2、主要是修改XFMT寄存器配置格式化输出是吧? |
我今天配置了一下XFMT和TXFMCTL。输出的情况如下图 请问一下您这边有没有关于MCASP1使用的更详细和具体的文档资料呢?或者demo。 |
还有我的DT配置如下 |
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