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我试图模拟Virtex6的LVDS接收器。 我正在使用eldo与hspice兼容性选项。 运行eldo时,我收到错误'加密文件已损坏或密钥已过期'。 我刚下载了模型'mbx40-r0.22.lib'。 除了使用.include指令包含文件之外,还有什么需要做的吗? 是否有来自Xilinx的任何信息如何使用加密文件(我找不到任何信息)? 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am trying to simulate the LVDS receiver of Virtex6. I am using eldo with the hspice compatibility option on. When running eldo I get the error 'Crypted file is corrupted or key is outdated'. I just downloaded the model 'mbx40-r0.22.lib'. Is there any other thing I need to do than including the file with a .include instruction? Is there any information from Xilinx how to use encrypted files (I could not find any)? Thanks. |
我们之前已经收到了这个请求,但是它们很少,因此花费这些钱来提供这种格式的模型是不合理的。 Hspice是“黄金标准”,因此我们有理由支持它。 所有其他的(我们也使用其中的一些),总是归结为“它与hspice相比如何?” 由于设备的型号属于代工厂,我们不允许分发未加密的spice文件。 如果您要求Xilinx IO FAE专家,他们可以为您运行模拟,如果这样做是为了让您设计好您的威廉希尔官方网站 板(并且我们获得部件订单)。 IBIS文件是从我们的spice结果(spice2ibis)中提取的,因此IBIS文件应该足以满足99%的任务。 我想知道INIS无法为您建模,如果由于某种原因您不能使用IBIS。 spicie晶体管模型反映了由代工厂制造的器件(我们所有的模型都会被持续监控,并在必要时进行更新 - 代工厂会修改流程以保持模型内部)。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 在原帖中查看解决方案 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 g, We have had that request before, but there have been so few of them, that it was never justified to spend the money, to provide the models in that format. Hspice is the 'golden standard' so it makes sensee for us to support it. All of the others (some of which we use as well), always boils down to "how does it compare with hspice?" As the models of the devices belong to the foundry, we are not allowed to distribute the spice files unencrypted. If you ask for a Xilinx IO FAE specialist, they can run the simulation for you if this is holding up you getting your board designed (and us getting orders for parts). The IBIS files are extracted from our spice results (spice2ibis), so the IBIS files should be adequate for 99% of the tasks. I'd like to know what INIS is unable to model for you, if for some reason you cannot use IBIS. The spicie transistor models reflect the devices fabricated by the foundry (all of our models are continously monitored, and updated if necessary -- the foundry modifies the process to stay inside the models). Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San JoseView solution in original post |
加密的spice文件用于HSPICE(tm,Synopsys)。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 g, The encrypted spice files are for HSPICE (tm, Synopsys). Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Perhaps you need to ask your vendor if they support HSPICE encryption, also? Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
Eldo可以读取hspice网表,所以我认为它也可以读取加密的网表。 我会特别询问我的供应商加密文件。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for the reply. Eldo can read hspice netlists, so I assumed it could also read encrypted netlists. I will ask my vendor about encrypted files specifically. |
我们得到了供应商的确认,eldo无法读取加密的hspice网表。 另据他说,如果原始的hspice网表可用,那么很容易生成一个eldo encripted网表。 Xilinx可以提供Virtex IO的eldo encripted网表吗? 感谢致敬。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Austin, We got the confirmation from our vendor that eldo cannot read encrypted hspice netlists. Also according to him, it would be easy to generate an eldo encripted netlist if the original hspice netlist were available. Could Xilinx provide an eldo encripted netlist of the Virtex IO? Thanks and regards. |
我们之前已经收到了这个请求,但是它们很少,因此花费这些钱来提供这种格式的模型是不合理的。 Hspice是“黄金标准”,因此我们有理由支持它。 所有其他的(我们也使用其中的一些),总是归结为“它与hspice相比如何?” 由于设备的型号属于代工厂,我们不允许分发未加密的spice文件。 如果您要求Xilinx IO FAE专家,他们可以为您运行模拟,如果这样做是为了让您设计好您的威廉希尔官方网站 板(并且我们获得部件订单)。 IBIS文件是从我们的spice结果(spice2ibis)中提取的,因此IBIS文件应该足以满足99%的任务。 我想知道INIS无法为您建模,如果由于某种原因您不能使用IBIS。 spicie晶体管模型反映了由代工厂制造的器件(我们所有的模型都会被持续监控,并在必要时进行更新 - 代工厂会修改流程以保持模型内部)。 Austin Lesea主要工程师Xilinx San Jose 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 g, We have had that request before, but there have been so few of them, that it was never justified to spend the money, to provide the models in that format. Hspice is the 'golden standard' so it makes sensee for us to support it. All of the others (some of which we use as well), always boils down to "how does it compare with hspice?" As the models of the devices belong to the foundry, we are not allowed to distribute the spice files unencrypted. If you ask for a Xilinx IO FAE specialist, they can run the simulation for you if this is holding up you getting your board designed (and us getting orders for parts). The IBIS files are extracted from our spice results (spice2ibis), so the IBIS files should be adequate for 99% of the tasks. I'd like to know what INIS is unable to model for you, if for some reason you cannot use IBIS. The spicie transistor models reflect the devices fabricated by the foundry (all of our models are continously monitored, and updated if necessary -- the foundry modifies the process to stay inside the models). Austin Lesea Principal Engineer Xilinx San Jose |
感谢您的回复。 我们将使用IBM模型。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Austin, thanks for your reply. We will use the IBIS models. |
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