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我的脉冲如下:方波f = 10kHz,意味着100usec脉冲宽度= 4.1nsec的周期,意味着占空比为4.1m%幅度= 2V偏移= 1V我想用任何可能的方式从计算机控制激光器( USB,GPIB,LAN都适用于我)。 我需要做的是根据计算机生成的随机数更改每个脉冲的延迟参数,例如:如果计算机生成1,它将发送':FUNCtiON2:PULSE:DELAY 180ns'如果计算机生成2 ,它将发送':FUNCTION2:PULSE:DELAY 210ns'如果计算机生成3,它将发送':FUNCTION2:PULSE:DELAY 800ns'1)有没有办法尽可能快地与仪器通信以发送命令 使用不到100? 到目前为止,我一直在使用matlab,至少需要500usec。 但是,我知道,对于这样的应用程序,MATLAB不是最佳选择。 2)如果以上是不可能的,我想到了另一个解决方案,它在我开始实验之前生成一个X随机数列表,然后将它们转移到设备的内存中,并让设备自己加载它们,每个周期一次 。 机器能够做到吗? 3)如果以上两种情况都不可能,那么使用1号方法我能做的最快的是什么? 激光脉冲进入光学系统并最终引发3个探测器,但这与我的问题无关,因为分析是由其他仪器完成的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am using a 81150A pulse generator to operate a laser. My pulse is as follows: Square wave f=10kHz, meaning a period of 100usec pulse width=4.1nsec, meaning duty cycle of 4.1m% Amplitude=2V offset=1V I want to control the laser from a computer using any way possible (USB, GPIB, LAN all work for me). What I need to do is change the Delay parameter for every pulse, according to a random number generated by the computer, for example: If the computer generates 1, it will send ':FUNCTION2:PULSE:DELAY 180ns' If the computer generates 2, it will send ':FUNCTION2:PULSE:DELAY 210ns' If the computer generates 3, it will send ':FUNCTION2:PULSE:DELAY 800ns' 1) Is there any way possible to communicate with the instrument fast enough to send the command in less than 100 usec? So far,I have been using MATLAB and that takes at least 500usec. I am, however, aware that for such an application, MATLAB isn't the best choice. 2) If the above is impossible, I have thought of another solution which is generating a list of X random numbers before I begin the experiment, and transferring them to the device's memory, and letting the device load them on its own, once every period. Is the machine capable of that? 3) If both of the above are impossible, what is the fastest I can do using method number 1? The laser pulse enters an optical system and eventually sets off 3 detectors, but that isn't relevant to my questions, as the analysis is performed by other instruments. |
我附加了它的输出,相关的行以黄色突出显示(我希望)。 如果打印到设备的功能被调用260次,总共274毫秒,那么每次调用只需1毫秒。 至于电子邮件,我相信你在注册william hill官网 时有你的记录,不是吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I used MATLAB's code profiler. I have attached its output, with the relevant lines highlighted in yellow (I hope). If the function that prints to the device is called 260 times for a total of 274 milliseconds, that's just over 1msec each call. As for the e-mail, I believe you have it your records when I sign up for the forum, no? 附件
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