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我用CYBLY-01400—EVE来开发。 我想写一个省电模式在我的项目中使用的CAPSRANK按钮。 然而,在我在主循环中添加下面的代码之后,我似乎无法使用那些CapSense buttons(在我按下它们之后什么也没发生)。 *准备深度睡眠模式的CAPSENSE组件*/ CabSnSeScDySype(); CysSpMyDeSLeLeP(); *深度睡眠后的CAPSENSE组件重新配置* CabSnSeCCSDWAKEUP(); 有谁能帮我解决这个问题吗? 谢谢, 特里 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am using CYBLE-014008-EVAL for my development. I would like to write a power saving mode in my project in which the CapSense buttons are used. However, after I added the below codes in the main loop, I seems to be unable to use those CapSense buttons (nothing happened after I pressed them). /* Prepare CapSense component for Deep-Sleep mode */ CapSense_CSD_Sleep(); CySysPmDeepSleep(); /* Reconfigure CapSense component after Deep-Sleep */ CapSense_CSD_Wakeup(); Can anyone help me on the issue. Thanks, Terry |
见此应用说明:CE9588- CapSense Low Power与PSoC 4
下面是直接文档:HTTP://wwwyCysP.COM/FIL/230796/下载 CAPSENSE组件不在低功耗模式下运行,必须频繁扫描才能正常工作。因此,如果您想使用带CAPSENSE的低功耗模式,则需要经常用计时器唤醒以扫描CAPSENSE以获得所需的功能。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 See this application note: CE95288 - CapSense Low Power with PSoC 4 Here is the direct document: http://www.cypress.com/file/230796/download The capsense component does not run in low power modes, and must be scanned frequently to work correctly. Thus, if you want to use a low power mode with capsense, you will need to wake up frequently with a timer to scan the capsense for desired functionality. |
yuhe82 发表于 2018-10-22 10:45 H.E.普拉特1616216, 谢谢你的信息。 我引用了示例CE21091来在我的项目中创建看门狗定时器(基于BelyHythyRaTyl传感器示例)。 并且,我删除了计数器2的原始看门狗中断。 即使系统处于休眠模式,也可以触发看门狗处理程序。 但是,看门狗定时器无法唤醒系统,因为如果我停止调试器,程序就停止在CypPMYWFI的线路上。 系统从CyByPro进程()调用到睡眠模式(根据调用堆栈)。 我需要设置中断存储器吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi e.pratt_1639216, Thanks for your information. I referenced to the example CE210291 to create a watchdog timer in my project (Based on BLE_Heart_Rate_Sensor example). And, I removed the original watchdog interrupt of counter 2. The watchdog handler could be triggered even if the system was in sleep mode. However, that watchdog timer could not wake up the system since if I stopped the debugger, the program stopped at the line of CY_PM_WFI. The system went to sleep mode from CyBle_ProcessEvents() (according to Call Stack). Do I need to set the interrupt soucre? |
EnjoyL 发表于 2018-10-22 10:56 当CPU进入休眠电源模式时,调试器不运行,因此调试器在深度睡眠时不应该是可操作的(至少不可靠地来自我自己的测试)。 你想检查的东西: 确保你正在清除WDT中断标志,允许一个新的中断从睡眠中唤醒该单元。 如果您使用的示例有WDT工作于从低功耗睡眠唤醒,那么它应该已经被配置为中断源。 如果您可以将项目的存档附加到设置中,我们可以查看它,看看是否意外中断了它。 一般来说,你需要处理中断,如果你处于低功耗模式,我相信你需要设置一个处理程序和TopDebug。CysCH组件来使用WDT中断从深度休眠唤醒设备。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The debugger doesn't run when the CPU enters a sleep power mode, thus the debugger shouldn't be operable when you are doing deep sleep (at least not reliably from my own testing). Things you would want to check: Make sure you are clearing the WDT interrupt flag to allow a new interrupt to wake up the unit from sleep If the example you are using has the WDT working for waking from low power sleep, then it should already be configured as the interrupt source. If you can attach an archive of your project with the settings, we can take a look at it and see if you accidentally broke it Generally you need to handle the interrupt, and if you are in a low power mode, I believe you will need to set a handler and topdesign.cysch component to wake up the device from deep sleep using WDT interrupts. |
yuhe82 发表于 2018-10-22 11:11 H.E.普拉特1616216, 谢谢你的信息,我成功地添加了我的自定义WDT。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi e.pratt_1639216, Thanks for your information, I added my custom WDT successfully. |
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