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我的问题是: 是在Wice 60.1中发现的与Qice 4.1.3SDK兼容的MQTT协议的实现吗? 实际上,我能将库/协议/MQTT从60.1粘贴到4.1.3吗? 我理解在我的应用程序中可能需要某种程度的修改,我只是想知道任何可能存在的“晦涩难懂”的相互依赖性。 我为什么要做这样的暴行? 我需要能够处理超过MTU大小的MQTT包。 你为什么不完全使用WICE 60.1呢? 我对最近采用MeBTLS有一些问题。 检查此:5.2失败连接到Azure IOT集线器 我事先感谢任何一个水蚤科的家伙,谁会捡到这个! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 My wARMest salutations to all fellow raccoons, My question is: Is the implementation of the MQTT protocol found in WICED 6.0.1 compatible with WICED 4.1.3 SDK? Can I actually copy-paste the libraries/protocols/MQTT from 6.0.1 to 4.1.3? I understand that a certain level of modification in my application may be required, I am just wondering about any 'arcane' interdependencies there might exist. Why would I want to perform such an atrocity? I need to be able to handle MQTT packets that exceed the MTU size. Why don't you 'just' use WICED 6.0.1 in its entirety? I have some issues with the recent adoption of mbedTLS. Check this out: WICED 5.2 failure to connect to Azure IoT Hub I thank in advance any fellow procyonidae who will pick this up! |
您需要考虑到MQTT包的每个“块”将调用回调。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 As long as you adapt your mqtt_connection_event_cb, it seems to be working properly. You need to take into account that the callback will be invoked for every 'chunk' of the MQTT packet. |
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