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Bricked Curiosity HPC无法进行编程

嗨,所有,得到一个好奇的HPC的盒子,可以读取固件(1.41),并试图通过MPLAB 4.15更新到最新的PKOB固件(1.51),它失败了。无法进行编程。好奇号HPC是否有应急引导加载程序恢复?如果是的话,那是什么?谢谢,CD



    Hi All,

Got a Curiosity HPC out of the box, can read the firmware (1.41) and tried to update via MPLAB 4.15 to the latest PKOB firmware (1.51) and it failed. Cannot program.

Is there any emergency bootloader recovery for the Curiosity HPC? If so, what is it?




2018-10-16 15:50:56
我不知道是否有任何紧急恢复,但有时更容易做从MPLAB IPE的固件更新。还要仔细检查你的USB连接…



    I don't know if there is any emergency  recovery, but sometimes it's easier to do the firmware update from MPLAB IPE.  Also double check your USB connections...


2018-10-16 15:57:38
问题解决了。我在william hill官网 中搜索了更多的网络。所以,希望任何人都有与我相同的问题(不耐烦和一个棘手的组合HPC固件更新)可能会发现这是有用的。最终,我用了第二个程序员(MPLAB ICD3 -工作)重新编程好奇心HPC PIC24FJ256…BY1.从ICD3切割RJ-45目标调试电缆的一端,并将其焊接到SMICUB连接器下方的板上已知的好的HPC板的焊盘上。(HPC示意图第26页的坐标A1中的参考垫U2-PROG。ICD3连接器的引脚在这里)2。使用MPLAB IDE 4.15,将PC连接到ICD3和ICD3到已知的好的HPC BOARD3。创建一个以PIC24FJ256B100和ICD3为调试器的新项目。然后,选择将目标读取到.HEX文件4的命令。我关闭MPLAB IDE并打开MPLAB IPE 4.15,将.HEX文件加载到MPLAB IPE中,并对已知的好的HPC板进行验证。它结帐了。单击“断开”并关闭IPE5。我把ICD3连接器从已知的好的HPC板移到已知的死HPC板上,然后将RJ-45插头端(连接到死HPC)连接到ICD3并再次发射MPLAB IPE 4.15。选择PIC24FJ256B101作为目标。6。我做了一个擦除,然后空白检查,然后从已知的工作HPC板上加载倾倒的HEX文件,并编程已知坏的HPC板。7。通过核实进行双重检查。这检查出来了。点击断开和关闭IPE。在这一点上,我断开ICD3,只连接已知的坏的,但重新编程的HPC板通过USB到PC。希望这有助于某人,CD



    Problem solved. I did a bit more searching in the forums with a wider net. So, hopefully anybody else with the same problem as I had (combination of impatience and a botched Curiosity HPC firmware update) may find this useful.
Ultimately I used a second programmer (an MPLAB ICD3 - working) to reprogram the curiosity HPC PIC24FJ256... by
1.  Cutting one end of the RJ-45 target debug cable from the ICD3 and splicing it/soldering it to the pads of a known-good HPC board on bottom of board under the microUSB connector. (Reference pads U2-PROG in coordinates A1 of the HPC schematic on page 26. Pinout for the ICD3 connector is here)
2. Using MPLAB IDE 4.15, connect the PC to the ICD3 and the ICD3 to the known-good HPC board
3. Create a new project targeting the PIC24FJ256B100 and ICD3 as the debugger. Then, select the command to read the target to a .hex file
4. I shut down MPLAB IDE and opened up MPLAB IPE 4.15, loaded the .hex file into MPLAB IPE and did a verify against the known-good HPC board. It checked out. Clicked disconnect and closed IPE
5. I moved the ICD3 connector from the known-good HPC board to a known-dead HPC board, then connected the RJ-45 plug end (connected to the dead HPC) to the ICD3 and fired up MPLAB IPE 4.15 again. Selected PIC24FJ256B101 as the target.
6. I did an Erase, then Blank Check, then loaded the dumped .hex file from the known-working HPC board and programmed the known-bad HPC board. 
7. Double check by doing a verify. This checked out. Clicked disconnect and shut down IPE.
At this point I disconnected the ICD3 and solely connected the known-bad but reprogrammed HPC board via USB to the PC. Voila - it worked!
Hope this helps somebody,

