因为获得新的好奇心板的主题出现了很多,我将分享我的经验…首先,我发现如果我在打开MPLABX之前插入好奇心板就没那么麻烦了。我假设你已经这样做了。根据我的经验,有三个步骤可以让任何新的好奇心板工作:如果MPLABX版本不同于用于编程好奇心的程序,PKOB基本操作固件通常必须更新。已更新(或先前在MPLABX的当前版本下更新,并且当前项目的芯片不同于最近使用该好奇板的芯片),该芯片的特定数据必须上载到好奇心PKOB。最后,MPLABX发送H。将当前项目归档到PKOB。如果执行步骤1,后续步骤总是失败,并且您必须再试一次。至少对我来说,他们总是,总是,在第一步的失败总是在步骤1。我再次点击“制作和程序”重试。第1步是我唯一真正的头部抓痕器,这可能是一个绊脚石。在一些情况下,在第一次重试时,不是告诉我固件是“增强的中程”(或一些适当的家族)很多次它说“未知类型”或一些这样的事情。在这一点上,有时如果我在项目中选择另一个“硬件工具”-gt;属性框(PICTIT3),它会起作用。模拟器,或任何东西,然后点击“应用”,然后,它让我选择好奇心板,并准备好下一步。有时候,我不得不拔掉插头,插入好奇板,让它工作。曾经有一些时候,我必须退出MPLABX,拔出并插入好奇心板并在MPLABX中重新打开这个项目。然后,假设它通过一个好的“固件”消息通过第1步……在步骤2:如果它到达你想要选择你的芯片的那一部分,请注意以下内容:如果有一个R爱德华.皮普:Fuggedaboudit。您将无法选择PKOB与您的芯片。也许你的芯片PKOB将在下一个版本的MPLABX。如果有一个绿色PIP旁边的PKOB,它可以让你选择好奇心板,你应该很好去。(只需确定插入到好奇板中的芯片与这个项目配置的芯片相同。)如果有黄色PIP,你可以选择好奇心。也许它会计划,也许不会。(请参阅脚注)现在,假设您已经选择好奇心板,它将尝试对设备进行编程。在我的经验中,用一个新的芯片,它总是失败的第一次尝试程序。我只需点击“制作和程序”图标,它就会尝试。如果你得到一个消息,比如“目标设备ID(0x0)是一个无效的设备ID”,你可以中止并重试,但是绝对有点试图通过警告。这种尝试将失败。时期。如果你有一个绿色PIP,仍然不能通过这一点,作为最后的手段,首先做我建议的所有事情:从MPLABX出来,拔出和插入好奇心板然后再试一次。例如,PIC18F27 K42在MPLABX版本4.10下出现了黄色PIP,但是不能被编程。在MPLABX版本4.15下,它仍然有黄色PIP(实际上XC8版本1.45也有黄色PIP),但是我为这个芯片测试的一切工作都很好。
Since the subject of getting new Curiosity boards working comes up a lot, I'll share my experiences...
First of all, I have found it less problematic if I plug in the Curiosity board before opening MPLABX. I'll assume you have done this.
In my experience there are three steps to getting any new Curiosity board working:
- If the version of MPLABX is different from the one that was used to program the Curiosity, the PKOB basic operational firmware usually has to be updated.
- If the basic firmware has just been updated (or was previously updated under the current version of MPLABX, and the chip for the current project is different from the chip that was most recently used with this Curiosity board), the specific data for this chip must be uploaded to the Curiosity PKOB.
- Finally, MPLABX sends the hex file for the current project to the PKOB.
If step 1 is performed, subsequent steps always fail, and you have to try again. At least for me, they always, always,
always fail at the first attempt at step 1. I click "Make and Program" again to retry.
Step 1 is the only real head-scratcher for me, and this can be a stumbling block. In some cases, at the first retry, instead of telling me that the firmware is for "Enhanced Midrange" (or some appropriate family) many times it says "Unknown type" or some such thing.
At this point, sometimes it works if I select another "Hardware Tool" in the Project->Properties box (PICKit3 or Simulator, or whatever) and click "Apply." Then, it lets me select the Curiosity board, and it's ready for the next step. Sometimes I have had to unplug and plug in the Curiosity board to get it to work. There have been times when I had to get out of MPLABX, unplug and plug in the Curiosity board and reopen the project in MPLABX.
Then, assuming it gets past Step 1 with a good "Firmware" message...
At Step 2: If it gets to the part where you want to select your chip, note the following:
- If there is a Red Pip beside the PKOB: Fuggedaboudit. You will not be able to select the PKOB with your chip. Maybe PKOB with your chip will be in the next version of MPLABX.
- If there is a Green Pip beside the PKOB, and it lets you select the Curiosity board, you should be Good To Go. (Just make sure the chip that is plugged into the Curiosity board is the same as the chip specified for this project configuration.)
- If there is a Yellow Pip, you can select the Curiosity. Maybe it will program, maybe not. (See Footnote)
Now, assuming you have selected your Curiosity board, it will try to program the device. In my experience, with a new chip, it always fails the first attempt to program. I just click the "Make and Program" icon again and it tries.
If you get a message like "Target Device ID (0x0) is an Invalid Device ID," you can abort and try again, but there is
absolutely point in trying to click through the warning. This attempt will fail. Period. Full stop.
If you got a green pip and still can't get past this point, as a very last resort, do all of the things I suggested at first: Get out of MPLABX, unplug and plug the Curiosity board and try again.
Sometimes devices with a Yellow Pip can work; sometimes not. For example the PIC18F27K42 showed up with a Yellow Pip under MPLABX version 4.10, but couldn't be programmed. (Got the Invalid Device ID message.) But under MPLABX version 4.15, it still has the Yellow Pip (in fact XC8 version 1.45 has a Yellow Pip also), but everything that I have tested for this chip works just fine.
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